Change can be daunting at times. Many feel the desire for change, and yet are not sure where or how to begin.

Here are 3 simple steps to initiating change in your life.  

1. Step back and look at the desired outcome from a large viewpoint before initiating change.

This can be done through talking with a trusted friend, making a vision board, or writing down ideas of what feelings, thoughts, and behaviors are present when this goal is achieved. At this point don’t focus on the details. Keep it broad, exploratory, creative, and fun.

This just engages the brain in imagining the outcome you desire. This is a part of the contemplation stage of change. It is preparing you to begin to explore the result so that the big picture can be broken down into smaller steps. It may seem counterintuitive to start at the end before beginning.

However, this allows the brain to develop a strong level of conviction towards the goal. This becomes essential when obstacles arrive, and you must regain clarity of “why” you are wanting your desired outcome. Change rarely occurs in a straight line, so it is important to allow yourself grace during the process.

2. Break the large objective into smaller goals.

Many people feel overwhelmed when trying to figure out how to get to their desired goal. This is where the next step becomes crucial. Being able to break down your large goals into smaller, easily attainable goals assists in creating a sense of endurance and accomplishment.

Each week when a new milestone has been achieved you will begin to gain self-reliance. An example would be if you wanted to lose 10 pounds for a wedding in 3 months. Breaking this big picture down into weekly goals will make it feel manageable.

The first week might focus on going to the gym 3 days per week for 30 minutes and eating a salad a day. From there you will be able to have a clear set place to begin. Each week, be open to adding or modifying goals as necessary. The important part is that the goals are realistic and attainable. This will create a sense of accomplishment to enhance motivation.  This skill is going to be essential in maintaining your new lifestyle change long-term. 

3. Pick a day to execute.

This opens the door to the action phase of change. Picking a day to begin will hold you accountable and enable you to get started. Procrastination is often the biggest hinderance to initiating change where dreams go to die. By taking the first step you are already on your way to positive changes. The action phase is going to bring up many limiting beliefs and emotions that may need to be addressed to enable you to follow through.

Having a mentor, friend, or coach to help navigate those stages can be a huge asset. At the end of the day, all change starts with the first step. What you surround yourself with via friends, environment, or outlets can play a huge part in the outcome. All these factors are important to look at when you are brave enough to begin your new life. The first step is often the hardest. Just get started. 

I hope that these steps will help provide a simple layout for initiating positive changes in your life. If you have questions or would love to learn more, please reach out on my website. I look forward to hearing from you. 

– Coach Amy