In this westernized world we are living in, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the world and forget why we are doing it all. The “why” is the most important part. For those who know what it’s like to sacrifice huge parts of themselves in the hopes of attaining something better, this article is just for you.

These are 5 simple tips on how to live a more balanced life

1. Find one safe person you can share your dreams and fears with from a place of non-judgment.

Oftentimes in our culture we are sold the idea that expressing yourself to others is a weakness. This couldn’t be further from the truth. When humans feel support through the roughest times of life, more resilience emerges. Our fears are often the thing that steals balance and joy from our day-to-day experience.

Taking the time to have our fears reflected at us from a place of understanding is the first trick to facing and resolving them. The key here is finding someone who you can truly trust. It may be a supervisor, spouse, or friend. It is often best to find someone removed from the situation so objectivity can be maintained.

Being able to determine who that person is in your life takes discernment. If that person is someone who enjoys talking about others, this might not be the best person to confide in. Finding a non-judgmental person who you can rely on is essential to maintaining balance in life. Who is your trusted go-to person in life? 

2. Allow yourself to rest free from guilt.

In our society, productivity equates to value. This is another false belief that can throw our lives out of balance. There is a time for action and there is a time for rest. Brains need breaks during the day to rejuvenate and gain focus (Ratcliffe et al., 2013).

Also, giving our bodies time to rest promotes the parasympathetic system to begin digesting and processing nutrients. Our bodies and minds are designed to heal and rejuvenate during times of rest, not action. This is a huge part of being human. For some this rest may need to be just a few minutes, for others this may take a whole day of rest and recovery to feel renewed.

The important thing is we allow ourselves the time to reset to maintain a balanced mindset and body. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Take pause in that, and then go ahead and get back at it from that new inspired space!

3. A balanced life includes getting out in nature. 

Even if it’s only 10 minutes a day, being in nature helps our bodies self-regulate. According to Ratcliffe et al., (2013) listening to nature sounds can improve one’s ability to focus and recover quickly from stress. Even if you are stuck at the office all day, turn on a calming track or nature sounds, you will likely feel more motivated and productive (Ratcliffe et at., 2013).  Bringing the natural world into your daily experience is a simple way to bring homeostasis into your life.

4. Daily movement. 

The idea of exercise often sounds like a chore. Instead of focusing on exercise, make it a point to do daily forms of movement. It can be simple things like gardening, walking your dogs, or standing up and moving around once an hour when you’re at the office. Any form of movement that brings you happiness counts.

According to the National Institute of Aging (April 03, 2020), daily movement is associated with better sleep, lower blood pressure, and improved cognitive function.  Living a balanced life includes activities like dancing, stretching, or even counting steps. By setting the daily intention of moving your body, you will notice a shift in your ability to cope with obstacles that come up during the day. 

5. Eat the rainbow. 

Eating a variety of colors of fruits and vegetables ensures you will get your daily minerals and nutrients needed. Colorful fruits and vegetables are rich in phytonutrients, which can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and illness (McManus, April 25, 2019). McManus (April 25, 2019) recommends eating the skins of these foods whenever possible, because they contain the richest amount of phytonutrients. Regardless of what other dietary beliefs and practices you live by, this is a simple way to ensure your body gets what it needs to thrive. 

There is a simple beauty that emerges when we prioritize living a balanced life. When you become aware of your daily practices by making easy modifications, it rewires the brain to begin to look at life from a more grounded perspective. It returns your level of control back to where it belongs, in your own hands. For more information, please feel free to reach out or read my other articles. May today bring you peaceful moments of contemplation. 

-Coach Amy


McManus, K. D. (2019. April 25). Phytonutrients: Paint your plate with the colors of the rainbow. Harvard Health Publishing.

NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA). (2020, April 03). Real-Life Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity.

Ratcliffe, E., Gatersleben, B., Sowden, P. (2013). Bird sounds and their contributions to perceived attention restoration and stress recovery, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 36, 221-228,