We live during a time when most people are masking their authentic selves to appear a certain way in the eyes of others. Everyone is seeking authentication from the outside world. It’s not official until it’s posted on social media or boasted about in public circles. It is almost as if life doesn’t have meaning unless witnessed in the public eye.

This concept is relatively new for humanity yet has become prevalent, especially for the younger generations. We often ignore our authentic selves due to the need to fit in or the desire not to disappoint.

Ignoring our inner voice creates a disconnect from our inner voice. There is a quiet voice inside when we feel unsettled, saying there must be something more. This voice is the voice of your authentic self.

In a society focused on maintaining appearances of perfection matched with a need for new and exciting experiences caught on camera, how can we truly live a more authentic life?

Here are 3 easy tips to evaluate if you are living a life of authenticity:

1. Begin exploring your authentic self.

Write down a list of traits you admire about yourself. Then, write down a list of things that bring you joy. Discerning what brings us joy is the first step to living a genuine life.

Most people are so focused on their roles (parent, coworker, or sibling) that they never pause to ask themselves who am I really? Of course, on a spiritual level, each person will have unique perceptions of that. The point is to ponder and check in with yourself.

Get playful by exploring the activities and moments in your life in which you feel most joyful. This feeling is often the first clue you are connecting with your authentic self. Planning activities that give you joy creates healthy ways to manage stress.

Gary Zukav is an author who has covered this topic beautifully. He is an excellent resource with which to start your exploration. Feel free to check out his interviews on YouTube or read his books on Authentic Power!

2. Learn to trust yourself.

Trusting yourself and your environment is the next tip to learning how to live a life that is honest with yourself. Ask yourself how often you can show these traits on a typical day. What environments and people allow you to feel safe to do so? Only you have the answers you seek.

Once you can trust the answers you find, it will take courage to allow these qualities to appear in your daily experiences. Building trust within ourselves takes trial and error. We often place our sense of trust outside of ourselves.

Self-accountability and kindness build trust. You are teaching yourself self-reliance by prioritizing simple daily activities that give you joy. It is also essential to remember perfection is a lie. It is alright to make mistakes. Be kind to yourself in the process.

Instead of becoming too self-critical, learn to ask yourself, is this right for me? Will this bring me joy? Trusting your initial response will take practice, but it will be well worth it. 

3. Showing the world your authentic self.

Third, from this space of honesty and transparency with yourself, you get to explore what you truly want to experience in this lifetime. How do you want to show up in the world? A simple tip to figure out some answers to this question is to ask: How do I want to be remembered?

This significant question shows you some insights into the legacy you are creating.  From this grand perspective, you can begin living an authentic life that potentially only a few people will be worthy of knowing about. The more you become true to yourself, the less you seek validation from the outside world.

We must start looking from within ourselves to be fully seen and authenticated. Then, we can decide how to bring this quality into the world. If you are at a point where you would love guidance through this process, Totality Healing is here to help you. Book a session today. 

– Coach Amy